This was my first time on a jet ski/wave runner and on the way back from Shell Island, we saw a lot of things floating in the water including a small red bag which we picked up. Then we came upon a half sunken boat and 2 men clinging to it. Another boat was helping them and we helped as well. The bag we brought held the elderly fisherman's medication. We held the wallet while the younger fellow drove down to retrieve the coat with the car keys! We asked what happened and the younger man said they had been out fishing since 3:30 am and they saw a small hole which they were watching. I'm not a boat person, but a hole in a boat is a hole in a boat no matter the size imo. So anyway, the men were rescued and the the Coast Guard came. Very exciting afternoon!
Here's a 1 min video clip
Now back to the regular news...
Made a little video
PS Went to Shell Island today for the first time and found hardly any shells.